Frequently Asked Questions?

Quick Web Academy is an online learning platform which offers you the right access to Qualified Tutors and Courses on demand. It is also a site that enables you to freely build Network and connect with Top professionals. It is a subset of Quick web, and they’re both powered by NG Platforms.

We learn through the use of Google meet, Zoom, WhatsApp and other Internet platforms that can deliver the purpose effectively.

We give out Learning materials such as videos, pdf, and resourceful links. Our learning materials differ for each package.

However, the Academy may choose to run classroom learning when the need arises.

It is solely for the provision of your learning materials,and for test/exams eligibility.

Kindly follow the steps below;

1. Visit the Register page, fill in the form with the correct details, and submit.

2. Go to All Courses page and pick your preferred number of courses.

3. Make your payments via online or offline method, then forward evidence of payments to our support team.

4. After payment confirmation, your learning materials will sent to you, you will added to the learning group on WhatsApp, which is where you'll submit most assignments/projects for review, and you'll continually receive our zoom meeting links and other important updates there.

Your matric number is used as your username when logging into our test/exam portal, and your phone number is also used as your initial password (this can be changed at anytime).

It is only given out to paid students.

Our contact details are apparently displayed on the website and on the instructors profiles.

Our LIVE ROOM enables you to do that. Right on our website you can connect with students, as well as other experts inside the Forum.


The website is programmed and automated to monitor your activities when logged in. It takes note of your progress during your confined period of learning, and it also saves your tests and exam score.

N/B: Once your exam is written, it can't be undone.

Oh yes! The good news is that CMS (content management system) requires zero coding skill.

Yes, your smartphone can be used to learn and can also be used as a substitute for minute works if desktop view is activated in your smartphone web browser, though extensive jobs will require a laptop or desktop.

Approximately 6-12 weeks of learning and continuous practice.

Yes, there is provision for certificate on all packages except basic package.

You can visit the Request Certificate page to place order.

Web designers are usually open to freelancing opportunities all around the globe (despite their level of knowledge), Sequel to the fact that they're Plethora of Job opportunities ranging from being self-employment to being an employee.